Please note that this is the “generic” text. Please tailor appropriately if your OCS Project requires any further acknowledgements.
- We kindly ask that you acknowledge the “OHTN Cohort Study Team*” as an author. Use an Asterix (*) to indicate the members of the Research Team in the acknowledgments (or collaborations) section. You can copy and paste the following paragraph:
*The OHTN Cohort Study Team consists of Dr. Ann Burchell (Interim Principal Investigator), Unity Health and University of Toronto; Dr. Anita Benoit (Co-Investigator), University of Toronto; Dr. Lawrence Mbaugbaw (Co-Investigator), McMaster University; Dr. Sergio Rueda, CAMH and University of Toronto; Dr. Gordon Arbess, Unity Health; Dr. Corinna Quan, Windsor Regional Hospital; Dr. Curtis Cooper, Ottawa General Hospital; Elizabeth Lavoie and Dr. Maheen Saeed, Byward Family Health Team; Dr. Mona Loutfy and Dr. David Knox, Maple Leaf Medical Clinic; Dr. Nisha Andany, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Dr. Sharon Walmsley, University Health Network; Dr. Michael Silverman, St. Joseph’s Health Care; Tammy Bourque, Health Sciences North; Dr. Marek Smieja, Hamilton Health Sciences Centre; Wangari Tharao, Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre; Holly Gauvin, Elevate NWO; Dr. Jorge Martinez-Cajas, Kingston Hotel Dieu Hospital; and Dr. Jeffrey Craig, Lakeridge Positive Care Clinic.
- We also ask that you acknowledge the volunteers and support teams of the OCS:
We gratefully acknowledge all of the people living with HIV who volunteer to participate in the OHTN Cohort Study. We also acknowledge the work and support of OCS Governance Committee (Aaron Bowerman, Adrian Betts, Barry Adam, Cornel Gray, Dane Record, Jasmine Cotnam, Jason Brophy, Mary Ndung’u, Rodney Rousseau, Ruth Cameron, YY Chen) OCS Scientific Steering Committee (Anita Benoit, Ann Burchell, Barry Adam, Curtis Cooper, David Brennan, Kelly O’Brien, Lance Mcready, Lawrence Mbuagbaw, Mona Loutfy, Pierre Giguere, Sean Hillier, Sergio Rueda (Chair), and Trevor Hart) and Indigenous Data Governance Circle (Meghan Young, Randy Jackson, Trevor Stratton). The OHTN also acknowledges the work of past Governance Committee and Scientific Steering Committee members.
We thank all interviewers, data collectors, research associates, coordinators, nurses, and physicians who provide support for data collection. The authors wish to thank OCS staff for data management, IT support, and study coordination: Lucia Light, Mustafa Karacam, Nahid Qureshi, Tsegaye Bekele. The OHTN Cohort Study is supported by the Ontario Ministry of Health.
- If you have used data from Public Health Ontario (for example, measures of viral load), we ask that you both acknowledge PHO, while adding a disclaimer that they do not necessarily support the work:
We also acknowledge Public Health Ontario for supporting linkage with the HIV viral load database.
The opinions, results and conclusions are those of the authors only. No endorsement by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network or Public Health Ontario is intended or should be inferred.
- If you did not use data from PHO, please still indicate that the findings of your work are not necessarily endorsed by the OHTN:
The opinions, results and conclusions are those of the authors only. No endorsement by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network is intended or should be inferred.
Please contact the OCS Study Coordinator at [email protected] if you have any questions.